El inicio en el ejercicio de la abogacía ponentes

Participation of Almudena de la Mata in the ICAM Professional Initiation Section

The initial journey into law can be challenging for emerging professionals. From gaining practical experience to understanding the complexities of the legal system, young lawyers face a number of challenges as they take their first steps into the profession. In this context, the new Professional Initiation Section of the Illustrious Bar Association of Madrid (ICAM) stands as a beacon of guidance and support.

The session, titled “Starting the practice of law: challenges and opportunities for young lawyers”, was the epicenter of enriching discussions about professional beginnings and the challenges inherent to the start of one’s career. Eugenio Ribón, Dean of the Illustrious Bar Association of Madrid, extended a warm welcome, while Celia Herrero Cantó assumed the role of moderator.

El inicio en el ejercicio de la abogacía ponentes

As one of the speakers, Almudena de la Mata, Managing Partner of Blockchain Intelligence, shared valuable knowledge and perspectives. The session also included the participation of José María de Pablo, Partner at Bufete Mas y Calvet, and Paula Fuentes, Head Hunter Legal at F&B Consultores.

This event is presented as a platform to explore how young lawyers can transform challenges into opportunities and forge successful career paths. From understanding legal dynamics to building professional networks, this session is envisioned as an essential resource on the path to success in law.

At the end of the session, Spanish wine was served, giving participants the opportunity to continue conversations in a more informal manner and further strengthening ties in the legal community.