AI Congress ministro, alcalde y Google

Blockchain Intelligence at the inauguration of Google’s cybersecurity center in Malaga

How can the EU AI Regulation foster innovation and ensure safety and rights? What are the challenges of its implementation in member states? Is there a convergence between EU AI regulations, Biden’s Executive Order and principles of international organizations? Or are we seeing a fragmented patchwork of regulations? How are companies and startups responding to internationally agreed regulations and principles? What are the difficulties and lessons learned? How can AI governance close the digital divide and ensure the benefits reach everyone? These were the main issues discussed during the round table ‘Economic and social opportunities in the era of artificial intelligence’ at the inauguration of Google’s cybersecurity center in Malaga by Google’s president of Global Affairs, Kent Walker, and other executives of the company.

The discussions, moderated by José Ignacio Torreblanca and María Teresa Arcos, addressed these crucial questions. Our CEO Almudena de la Mata shared valuable perspectives with other experts such as Giorgia Abeltino – Director of Public Policies and Southern Europe, Google Italia, María Teresa Arcos – General Director, ESYS Foundation, Fernando Domínguez-Pinuaga – Vice President, Sandbox AQ, Rosario Duaso Calés – Professor of Law, CEU San Pablo University, Maria da Graça Canto – Professor, Nova University, Carla Hobbs – Deputy Program Director, European Power, ECFR, Stefano Mele – President, ICT Authority, Republic of San Marino, Ángel Melguizo – Partner, ARGIA Green, Tech & Economics, Pedro Mier – President, Ametic, Andrés Ortega Klein – Writer and Analyst, José Luis Piñar – Professor of Administrative Law, CEU San Pablo University, Christian Schroeder de Witt – Postdoctoral Research Assistant, University of Oxford, César Tello – General Director, Adigital, José Juan Timermans – Madrid Office Assistant, ECFR, José Ignacio Torreblanca – Head of the Madrid Office and Senior Policy Fellow, ECFR, Georgios Yannopoulos – Associate Professor, Legal Informatics, Faculty of Law from the University of Athens, Vincenzo Zeno-Zencovich – Professor of Comparative Law, University of Roma Tre. They analyzed the effectiveness of the EU AI Regulation, global regulatory efforts and business responses, providing a comprehensive view of the current and future state of AI.

Regulatory convergence was a recurring theme, evaluating the coherence between the initiatives of the EU, the United States and international organizations. Challenges and opportunities for companies seeking to comply with these regulations and principles were highlighted.

In the context of the digital divide and sustainable development, strategies were explored to ensure that AI is developed in a manner that is inclusive and beneficial to all. The inauguration of Google’s Cybersecurity Center in Malaga is positioned as a key milestone in this journey towards a safer and more ethical digital future.

The round table has made it clear that the path to ethical and secure artificial intelligence is a global undertaking. The questions raised and discussed at this outstanding event offer significant insight into regulatory challenges, business responses and the need to bridge the digital divide sustainably.

This featured event attracted leaders and influencers such as José Luis Escrivá, Minister of Digital Transformation, Francisco de la Torre, Mayor of Malaga, and Julissa Reynoso, United States Ambassador to Spain and Andorra, who enriched the discussions with their notable perspectives.

In this context, it is relevant to highlight that training in artificial intelligence plays a crucial role in the ethical and effective development of these technologies. Blockchain Intelligence offers a Certified Course in Artificial Intelligence for Business. This course, certified by the General Council of Spanish Lawyers and FELABAN, provides not only fundamental knowledge about AI, but also practical skills for its application in business environments. As active participants in the evolution of AI, we believe in the importance of empowering professionals with the tools and understanding the need to address the challenges and opportunities raised in forums such as the above. Continuous training is an essential component in forging a responsible and sustainable digital future.

The inauguration of Google’s Cybersecurity Center in Malaga not only represents a milestone in technological evolution but also a reminder of the need to jointly address the challenges and opportunities of artificial intelligence. As we move toward a safer digital future, these conversations mark the beginning of continued collaboration to shape an AI ecosystem that benefits humanity as a whole. We thank all participants for their commitment and Google for providing a space for these crucial dialogues.