AI Business Congress 2023 Almudena hablando

Almudena de la Mata participates in the AI Business Congress 2023

How does Artificial Intelligence (AI) affect hiring and talent development strategies in companies? What are the essential skills that companies are looking for in professionals in an increasingly technology-driven environment? How are you adapting and re-educating existing employees to embrace the AI revolution? These questions were addressed during the round table “Talent: what profiles are being hired and how existing ones are being re-educated” at the AI Business Congress 2023, offering a deep insight into talent management in a world driven by AI. Experts such as Carmelo Asegurado, Supply Chain Expert, and José Manuel de la Chica, CTO of Santander Universities and Universia Holding, joined forces with Almudena de la Mata to explore effective strategies and innovative solutions.

AI Business Congress 2023 mesa redonda

In the dynamic dialogue moderated by Gustavo Frega, Academic Relationship Director for EMEA ISACA, they focused on the importance of early and intelligent adoption of AI in companies. They discussed how specific skills, continuing education and organizational flexibility are essential to remaining competitive in this changing environment. When exploring recruitment strategies, the need for versatile profiles with adaptive skills was highlighted. The panel discussed how companies are seeking professionals with a deep understanding of AI, highlighting the importance of continuing education and skills development to stay relevant in a dynamic work environment.

AI Business Congress 2023 la mesa redonda

Re-education of existing employees emerged as a key issue. Training programs and strategies were discussed to ensure current teams are equipped to embrace and effectively utilize emerging technologies. Organizational flexibility was noted as a crucial factor in facilitating this smooth transition.

In line with this focus on the cutting edge technology, Blockchain Intelligence offers a specialized course in Artificial Intelligence for lawyers and compliance professionals. Designed to equip legal professionals with essential skills, this course explores how Big Data and AI are transforming the legal landscape. From analyzing large data sets to automating tasks, this program provides the tools necessary for a modern and efficient legal practice.