Lanzamiento del Cluster IA de la Comunidad de Madrid

Building the Future: The Inauguration of the AI Cluster in Madrid

In an event that marks a milestone in the technological panorama of the Community of Madrid, the IA Cluster was inaugurated on April 12 at the Technological Park of the Carlos III University of Madrid. With the prominent presence of figures such as the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, councilors, members of the cluster and the rector of the University Carlos III of Madrid, the session was a melting pot of institutionalism and high caliber technical content.

In this context of innovation and collaboration, Blockchain Intelligence is positioned as an essential founding member of the cluster. With our CEO, Almudena de la Mata, on the board, our privileged position allows us to not only embrace, but also actively influence the future of AI.

At Blockchain Intelligence, we don’t just witness technological evolution; we drive it. Our dedication is reflected in three fundamental pillars: technology, upskilling and applied knowledge. These three elements are not only essential to our own growth, but also fuel the progress of all companies associated with the cluster.

The creation of this collaborative and enriching environment consolidates Madrid as an epicenter for technological development, entrepreneurship and growth. In an increasingly interconnected and innovation-driven world, the Community of Madrid AI Cluster, with Blockchain Intelligence at its core, stands as a beacon of excellence and progress in the field of artificial intelligence.