We at Blockchain Intelligence, have created this map to identify Blockchain related use cases. You will find the use case, name of the organization,description, Blockchain or DLT used, country, sector, type of organization, level of development, whether it is COVID19 relevant, etc.

Are you a blockchain project? Add the info to the map since this is a collaborative effort. Otherwise, just enjoy it as you wish in an ethical and responsible way.

Distributed record of offers in public procurement procedures (DROPPP)

Public sector

Documentation/ traceability

Identified policy/regulatory barriers

Three European directives of 2014 regulate the award of public contracts in Member States. The Directives are presented as “technologically neutral”, so the implementation of the distributed ledger technology in various stages of the procedure (submission of bids, evaluation of contract award criteria, contract execution) in order to ensure procurement principles as integrity of procurement documents or transparency would be possible in the current framework, without the need for new European regulations.


Hybrid (Hyperledger Fabric + Ethereum)


Awarded as the “best use case using blockchain in public Administration” in the 2020 «innovation in public services national meeting» (CNIS), the use case refers to the registration of an offer in a distributed ledger network (“DLT”), using DLT as an electronic mean of
submission of tenders, mandatory according with art. 22 Directive 2014/24/EU. It also includes the automatic evaluation of the award criteria through smart contracts. The added value of using DLT in these cases is more transparency, integrity of the
documents of the offers, and efficiency in the evaluation of the award criteria. This use case has already been proved by the Spanish Region of Aragón, where it has been implemented by its Government, as a result of a public tender launched in 2018 and
gone live by mid year 2019. The use case is implemented in real procedures (you can see how it works visiting
1. BERNAL BLAY, M.A. (2019) «Licitación electrónica y tecnología de registro distribuido”, en J.M. GIMENO FELIÚ, Observatorio de contratos públicos 2018, Aranzadi, pp. 229-252.
2. PEREIRO CÁCERES, M. (2019) «La utilización del blockchain en los procedimientos de concurrencia competitiva», en Revista General de Derecho Administrativo núm. 50.
3. El Gobierno de Aragón utilizará la tecnología blockchain para recibir las ofertas de sus contratos públicos , publicado en AragonHoy el 9 de enero de 2019.
4. Aragón formará a sus funcionarios para buscar nuevos usos de blockchain, publicado en BlokchainEconomía el 14 de enero de 2019.
5. Aragón apuesta por ‘blockchain’ para evitar corruptelas en la contratación pública, publicado en El Pais Retina el 5 de febrero de 2019.
6. Encadenados al futuro, publicado en El periódico de Aragón el 3 de marzo de 2019.
7. El Gobierno de Aragón, premiado por el uso del Blockchain en las licitaciones públicas, publicado en Expansión el 4 de marzo de 2020


Zaragoza, Comunidad Autónoma de Aragón 50003

Level of development


COVID-19 related


the information in this map has been provided by the projects themselves and no responsibility is assumed by Blockchain Intelligence.