Blockchain Intelligence in MIT Sloan Review

MIT Sloan has interviewed Almudena de la Mata to get a closer look at Blockchain Intelligence and give visibility to female leadership in Blockchain, Web 3.0 and Metaverse.

“Although in the decentralized world there are currently no ties that drag women under the glass ceiling, the outside world does have them and that directly hits the development of the blockchain ecosystem . This is recognized by Almudena de la Mata, founder and CEO of Blockchain Intelligence, who has been immersed in the world of decentralized technology for nearly 10 years.

She, like Rossmarie, created her own project to generate knowledge and create new communities on the web, and her organization is the first center specialized in blockchain, crypto assets, web 3.0 and metaverse .

For the experts, the digital society is everything. That’s why she has tried to cover almost all the aspects that exist in blockchain technology (which are many) in her project. Her life takes place between financial market digitization workshops, mentoring, green tokenization projects, legislation for new digital environments, and her children.

Both experts agree on this point: to generate a nourished space, all talents are needed. And in a space as democratic as the web 3.0, the best thing women could do would be to participate more and more using their own expertise. Some can do writing, others communication, others marketing, hands are always missing!

“I have taken the future in my hands, that is why I have created my project. This is the moment that I realize how privileged I have been: no one has ever stopped me because of my gender, ”she says.

Both Almudena and Rossmarie decided to be guides for more people and remember the projects that their students have generated thanks to the knowledge acquired in their community. But as the good teachers that they are, they have detected some failures that are constantly repeated among their students:

They think they don’t have the skills to navigate such a complicated world!

Women on the blockchain: Sorority, the natural response of decentralized digital media | MIT SMR Mexico (