Join on 24 March 2025 the 37th edition of our certified blockchain, crypto, AI and metaverse courses.
- Certified course Legal & Compliance Expert in Blockchain, Smart Contracts, Tokenisation and Cryptoassets
- Certified course Legal Expert in Blockchain, Smart Contracts, Tokenisation and Cryptoassets
- Certified course Compliance Expert in Blockchain, Smart Contracts, Tokenisation and Cryptoassets
- Certified Course in Blockchain, Crypto and Metaverse
- Higher Certificate Program in Crypto Assets and Custody: Regulation and Business
- Panama and United Nations: Advisory services for regulators and supervisors to define the national policy on crypto assets.
- Panama and United Nations: training public civil servants on blockchain and crypto assets, their economy, regulation and risks
- DivAirCity: a EU-funded project on improving air quality in 5 European cities utilising blockchain
- Digitization of financial markets: legal aspects
Founded in 2017, Blockchain Intelligence is a pioneer in blockchain, AI, crypto-assets, Web 3.0, and the metaverse. With operations in over 20 countries, we empower professionals and organizations to navigate the complexities of the digital era through:
- Professional Training and Certification: Gain expertise in blockchain, crypto, AI, and more with our industry-leading courses designed for individuals and teams seeking certification and skill development.
- Regulatory and Advisory Services: Partnering with public institutions, we provide tailored guidance on regulatory and supervisory frameworks to ensure compliance and drive digital transformation.
- Startup and Ecosystem Support: For blockchain companies and startups, we offer strategic advice, ecosystem development, and community-building initiatives.
- Corporate Solutions: Empower your organization with in-house training, advisory services, and innovative strategies to leverage blockchain and AI for growth and impact.
Together, we enable a sustainable, ethical, and innovative digital society by integrating technological advancement with real-world solutions.
Contact us today to explore how we can empower your journey.
- Certified courses for lawyers and compliance
- Certified courses for business
- In-house courses for lawyers and business
Trainings specialised by industry
Certified by the General Council of Lawyers of Spain
Certified by FELABAN, the Latin American Banking Federation
The first training center in the metaverse
Research and scientific articles in the area of blockchain, crypto and AI
Extensive experience in blockchain and AI-related project management
Work with international institutions (United Nations, EU Commission, etc.)
Contributions to the legal landscape of blockchain in Europe and Americas
Access to the job market
"I did the course last October and I wish I had done it at the beginning of my journey in the Blockchain. It would have saved me a lot of trouble. I can say that this course, because of its content, duration and quality of teachers, is highly recommended and optimal in all aspects.
After having attended multiple conferences, talks, courses, master classes, etc. and analyzed many papers of Blockchain/DLT in the last three years, this course has clearly marked the difference"."
"I decided to travel especially to Madrid for this course and it has been one of the best investments I have made in my professional life. It gives you a 360 degree view of the legal aspects of Blockchain and crypto-currencies.
Its speakers are first class and, at the end, I was inspired to build on the various topics discussed".
"I wanted to convey my congratulations for the 9th edition of the Legal Expert & Compliance course in Blockchain, Smart contracts, Tokenization and ICOs.
The level of the speakers, the small size of the group and, therefore, the degree of attention to all students seemed to me to be outstanding, as well as the attention of Almudena.
A fantastic atmosphere has been created in the group, in which some of the speakers also participate. And it has been very practical, something to be valued very positively".
"The course "Blockchain, Smart Contracts, ICOs / STOs and Tokenization", held during April 23-25, 2019 and aimed at SEPBLAC (Spanish AML Authority) employees from the Supervision and Analysis Areas, Financial Intelligence and the Seconded Units of the National Police, Civil Guard and Tax Agency has been a success. In the opinion of the participants, its content, which included both theoretical and legal aspects, as well as practical and even technical ones, has proved to be very appropriate for providing personnel working in the prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism with knowledge that can be used in their daily work. This, together with the high quality of the teaching team that has taught it, has led its participants to give it the highest rating.
On behalf of them, and in my capacity as SEPBLAC's Training Coordinator, I convey to you my gratitude and full satisfaction with the development of this course".
"No quería dejar pasar la oportunidad de agradecerte de manera formal a ti y a Blockchain Intelligence por el alto nivel de los ponentes y conferencistas, la estructura del curso y temática abordada.
Realmente que este Curso de Experto Legal en Blockchain, Smart Contracts, Tokenización y Criptoactivos combina de forma ideal los elementos doctrinarios y académicos con aquellos de orden pragmático tanto derivados tanto del espectro legal como del tecnológico, generando un producto de capacitación de muy alto estándar y acorde a las necesidades de quien busca iniciarse o profundizar en los conceptos que se comparten.
Casualmente esto es lo que yo esperaba encontrar al inscribirme en el curso; tenía mucho temor que sea excesivamente académico o superficial como ya me ocurrió en otro caso; pero en este caso justo me deja en el punto de poder tener las herramientas fundamentales y ver cómo funciona en la vida real para avanzar con ciertos proyectos que tengo en mente.
Gracias por tu esfuerzo en confrontas las fronteras del derecho con el avance de la tecnología Blockchain y los Smart Contracts y sacudir la mente de un nuevo horizonte y ciertamente nueva realidad en los próximo 2 a 3 años donde habrán cambios vertiginosos."
"El mundo jurídico no es ajeno a la revolución digital, que requiere de profesionales altamente cualificados. El certificado de experto legal en Blockchain, Smart Contracts, Tokenización y Criptodivisas ofrece una formación integral sobre la materia al conseguir facilitar y transmitir los conocimientos necesarios para que los juristas alcancemos dicho objetivo.
El programa es conciso y riguroso. Permite llevar a cabo un conocimiento pormenorizado de la cadena de bloques y sus áreas conexas (tokenizaciónn, smart contracts y criptodivisas). Además, combina a la perfección la teoría y la práctica, todo ello en un ambiente distendido que incita a la reflexión con el resto de colegas. El claustro está formado por un heterogéneo cuerpo docente, de gran calidad humana, dotado de rigor intelectual y acreditada experiencia profesional, siempre dispuesto a intercambiar impresiones con los participantes.
Sin lugar a dudas, recomendaría este curso a cualquier profesional con inquietud en conocer de primera mano los cambios vertiginosos que se avecinan en el mundo jurídico-digital en los próximos años."
I Congreso Buen Gobierno Corporativo
Almudena de la Mata, CEO de Blockchain Intelligence, participará en el panel “La inteligencia artificial en la mesa del consejo de administración” en el marco del I Congreso Buen Gobierno […]
Finect Investment on Change
El próximo 26 de noviembre, Finect Investment on Change reunirá a los líderes del sector financiero en Madrid para abordar los activos digitales, uno de los temas más innovadores y […]
2024 China-EU Ecommerce Summit
Almudena de la Mata, CEO de Blockchain Intelligence, moderará la mesa redonda titulada “El futuro del Bitcoin y las criptomonedas: Predicciones y tendencias” en el 2024 China-EU Ecommerce Summit. En […]