Mapa de proyectos

En Blockchain Intelligence hemos creado este mapa para identificar casos de uso en blockchain. Podrás encontrar los proyectos, nombre de la organización, descripción, país, sector, tipo de organización, nivel de desarrollo, Blockchain o DLT usada y si se trata de proyectos relevantes para COVID 19. Si eres un proyecto Blockchain, por favor, añade la información en el mapa. Si no, disfrútalo a tu gusto y siempre de forma ética y responsable.

Railway Certified Training


Logistics and transportation

Identified policy/regulatory barriers

Barriers derived by indefinition of some issues such as Digital Identity, standardization and legal loopholes, in addition to the limited support from the different administrations




Railway training procedures management platform. Based on relevant scenarios and use-cases for certified training (Official and Accredited).
Certifications, Clearances, Degrees, Qualifications, Work Placement Management (enabling IoT use), Updated and Automatized Training CV, Payments and Funding and use of Self- Sovereign Identity.


Las Rozas, Madrid 28232

Level of development


COVID-19 related


the information in this map has been provided by the projects themselves and no responsibility is assumed by Blockchain Intelligence.