Mapa de proyectos

En Blockchain Intelligence hemos creado este mapa para identificar casos de uso en blockchain. Podrás encontrar los proyectos, nombre de la organización, descripción, país, sector, tipo de organización, nivel de desarrollo, Blockchain o DLT usada y si se trata de proyectos relevantes para COVID 19. Si eres un proyecto Blockchain, por favor, añade la información en el mapa. Si no, disfrútalo a tu gusto y siempre de forma ética y responsable.

Consultoria de Comunicaciones


Logistics and transportation

Identified policy/regulatory barriers

eSSIF approval on Self Sovereign identity EBSI wallet for public use is the key success factor to start coordination both at National , and city levels.


eID Blockchain DLT SmartContract


B4C – Blockchain for Cities. United 4 Smart Sustainable Cities
Use case proposal – Ecosystem for mobile citizens –
Mobility is a basic Human need to access work , education, health, entertainment and human relations, so the solutions to solve the inherent problems have to be human centric oriented, when considering the right transport media to every individual mobility needs.
The increasing alternatives for mobility to contribute to decrease air pollution, traffic congestion, increased traffic security, implies the same increasing number of public and private transport platforms.
This means a typical DLT Distributed Ledger Technology use case where users, public administrations, transport operators and technology industry have to share the basic information for an effective, sustainable mobility as well as resource optimization.
Users need a through full information about the best alternative available for the individual need.
Public administration requires as much as real time information about the users behaviour, the transport media available and when and how are they being used for an optimized SUMP and a common, respectful mobility policies towards a more liveable cities design.
Private and public transport operators need the same information so as to implement dynamic demand planning.
And finally the mobile industry from bikes, e-skates, speedways and scooters to cars, will benefit from the same information for a new mobility models offering. I.e. MaaS Mobility as a Service.
The technical challenge with a human oriented focus may benefit from the blockchain benefits of secure, inmutable, confidential, peer to peer relations implementing a Single Sovereign Identity with a full user control selecting with Smart Contracts the right transport media at every particular case providing tokenized just the exact information needed at the case i.e. driving license available, or age certified to benefit from the elderly transport offering.


Madrid, madrid 28670

Level of development


COVID-19 related


the information in this map has been provided by the projects themselves and no responsibility is assumed by Blockchain Intelligence.