Blockchain meeting at the European Parliament

Blockchain Intelligence en el Parlamento Europeo sobre blockchain y el futuro de la UE

Almudena de la Mata ha hablado hoy sobre blockchain en el encuentro Blockchain as a pillar of digital transformation in the EU convocado por Eva Kaili, Vicepresidenta del Parlamento Europeo. Junto con otros expertos y responsables políticos de las instituciones de la UE y los gobiernos nacionales, compartió sus conocimientos y puntos de vista sobre la evolución de blockchain y sus posibles aplicaciones para el Mercado Único, centrándose en la gobernanza de las redes, la identidad digital y el futuro del dinero digital como elementos clave para un uso sostenible y centrado en el ser humano de blockchain.

Como compartió la doctora de la Mata en LinkedIn: “It was great speaking at the European Parliament about how to unleash the impact of Blockchain for the EU Single Market, sharing our experience and views derived from practical use cases as well as research and applied science at Blockchain Intelligence. Opportunities but also risks were raised such as weak governance structures, privacy, ethical questions regarding the metaverse and the challenges derived from DApps combining blockchain with other technologies such as AI or IOT. I pointed out the need to work on a governance framework to ensure only solid blockchains are used for certain trust related functions.
Opportunities were signaled at the business, social and public sector level. I extracted these views from our 50+ use cases and further research. A very special reference was made of our EU project DivAirCityH2020 by which citizens will use blockchain to collaboratively improve air quality. My views on social and environmental impact through blockchain and the trust element within it was thereby presented.
The need to continue the institutional work on public policy, regulatory and infrastructure level in this digital field is essential. Three building blocks are setting the frame and basis for the creation of new native digital markets and societies. First, at the network level, #EBSI and the work on DLTs interoperability, second #EIDAS2, EUID (digital identity toolbox/framework/wallet) and third, #Digitaleuro / CBDCs. The European Commission and Banco Central Europeo work on these three blocks is positive and essential.
I also used the opportunity to praise tbe EU Commission impulse through the funding of real life projects in which we had the pleasure to participate.
All this was done in the framework of the launch of the new Algorand blockchain center.
Thank you Andrea Renda and Eva Kaili, Vicepresident of the European Parliament for the inviation. Thanks to my colleagues who Silvio Micali, founder of Algorad, Dimitrios Psarrakis, piero cipollone, Vicepresident Banca dÍtalia, Dr. Martin Diehl, Deutsche Bundesbank, Harald Uhlig, Lawrence Wintermeyer, Ricardo SIMOES, joachim schwerin, Helen Köpman, European Commission, Antonio Sassano, @balazs bodo”.

Blockchain as a pillar of digital transformation in the EU event